End of the Year Wishes and Poems #7

Wishing you all a healthy happy holiday and a great new year!
Thank you for all your support and help.
As 12/13115
As I look at the picture, you’re so small. Holding your fire push toy engine near a wall. The sound’s blaring as we all smile awhile. My eyes watch you running happily moving it along. While my ears are ringing to the sirens song.Even though your time here wasn’t very long. You’re always in my heart and help to keep me strong.
Ocean Waves 12/14/15
Ocean waves are like emotions. They lap at your toes. Come when you least expect them to . Sometimes rough and fast, other times gentle and slow. A new year approaches, it is bittersweet. Taking a deep breath moving forward, walking on. Life’s Hiccups 12/21/15 Just when you thought things were going well, Life gives you a hiccup. That little bump in the road that you weren’t expecting. Shaken to the core, you stop and try and breathe again. Trying to work your way through it. Thinking of solutions, reaching out to others. Thankful for all the love ,support along the way.