Journey from Darkness to Light

by | Sep 2, 2020

Journey From Darkness To Light
This work comes straight from Jeanne’s heart. Her many poems are simple, direct and full of all the emotions that build up each day after your child dies, when you feel totally lost and empty. After a brief summary of her life, the poems give us a heart wrenching pictures of what it was like for her to lose her 3 ½ year old child to cancer, while trying to be normal for the rest of her family. The poems started approximately one year after the death of Danny, her son, and continue until the present. In them we see the majority are about her loss and how Danny shows her a path to travel, as does her husband, who also died a couple of years ago. As she says in one of her poems, they, will always be with her…she knows they are safe inside her heart and mind. She, like all of us who have children who have dies, understand the torment, the anguish, and the incomprehensible loss she speaks about. Her comfort, she says, is in knowing that one day they will all be reunited.
(Courtesy of Sandy Fox, author of Creating a New Normal… After the Death of a Child and I Have No Intention of Saying Good-bye)


“Journey from Darkness to Light” – What a heart-breaking and moving book.  Beautiful poetry that symbolizes an amazing perseverance.  Having a son myself, I can empathize with what that journey may have felt like and your strength is so encouraging.


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