More Insights on Daily Life #2

Just some notes of things recently that have happened to me. I am thankful for daily events, like being alive, health,transportation,finances,food,and family support.
One of the things I now am learning is to trust myself. Even if I am unsure to just go and work through it. You never know who you’ll meet and what things can come from it.Some things aren’t easy but it is better to have done some things then wonder about what if. Learning to pat myself on the back for some things I didn’t know I could do and have now done. Thankful for everyone who has supported me in anyway including those who I haven’t yet met. Either in the past or present from the beyond. Looking forward to more experiences/opportunities in 2015. Taking it one day at a time. Thankful, I am able to do things with them, even if I am out of my comfort zone. Sometimes things come in our dreams waking/shaking up our emotions. I realized that someone from the other side wanted my attention and was showing me something. Even though I was really scared I am glad I did the event. I prayed every night and didn’t sleep well for a few days.It was a blast, and thankful that I and the boys were being watched over and kept safe. I am glad the angels heard my prayers. How this story began.My middle son who has a neurological speech disorder. This was really hard for him because he wasn’t able to decypher english words in order to break them down phonetically to different sounds. New words were hard for him to learn by site. He struggled with reading. When he was a little older I asked him if he wanted to get his bar mitzvah. I wasn’t sure if he was able to decode english let alone read the translations in another language. He really studied hard on learning the words and surprised us all by what he had accomplished. A 45 min service which he did beautifully. Then things changed suddenly. A few years ago, my husband suddenly passed away. Still reeling, struggling, a good friend of mine suggested I talk to a friend of hers a healer. I also started seeing a therapist too. Out of the healers sessions, I started writing a bucket list of things I always had wanted to do. One of them was a bat mitzvah for me. I had also asked my youngest son who is autistic if he wanted to help with the service too. He said he would like to come to temple. It would be hard for him since he would have to learn all the verses that my middle son had to do on his bar mitzvah. I would be the only one seeing a rabbi for training in learning how to read the letters and sounds. But the boys would be part of it too with the prayers. I had received a disk with all the prayers on it in a version slowed down. I let the school speech therapist know at school so they would be able to help my youngest to learn how to pronounce the verses and give a refresher for my middle son. The child study team for my younger son was also involved so at home they would help too. This would be a family affair. I wanted to incorporate my oldest son who had passed away 19 years ago at 3 1/2 to be part of this too. His name was Daniel. I had always heard about the story Daniel and the lions den, but didn’t know what it was about. I thought it was about Daniel killing a lion, but it wasn’t . It was about Daniel and his faith in God and protection was stronger than the lions. I wanted to read this story or sing a verse as part of my bat mitzvah. I had never attended hebrew school or learned how to read hebrew so this would be a very big challenge for me. I asked my rabbi, about this idea and he had to think about it. This isn’t part of the torah but maybe I could learn to sing this in aramaic which is different then hebrew in it’s pronounciation. Every week I learn a new letter or vowel.This is confusing because depending on how the vowel/s are put on the bottom, on more than one area will change the sound of the letter. example oo or o. The next vowel looks like a letter not an dot or dash, like it learned so far. It will be a long process, and then I will start reading the words or passages which will come later. That will be next week. I am glad that I am able to honor Daniel, with his own passage. Have a family affair with my other sons, and remember those who have gone before me.