Today’s Lesson

by | Jun 28, 2020

One of my items on my bucket list is finishing my 1000 pc cat puzzle. I had started it originally 17 years ago in a tribute to my son. When I finally finished it, I had to put puzzle glue on it so I could frame it. I ran out of puzzle glue so I used elmer’s glue instead. The glue leaked through the other side and the color came off the pieces onto a newspaper, I couldn’t frame that one. I decided to redo it again after some thought and bought the puzzle again with more puzzle glue. The new puzzle was the same picture but it was configured differently. After many tries 3 years later, with much frustration my son’s and I finally finished it today minus 2 pieces missing.We searched the house but couldn’t find them. I said to my son isn’t it ironic that it symbolized the two people who are missing. I guess we are all puzzles with some pieces missing..


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