Update on my bucket list #15

an update on my blog regarding bucket list
For many years, I have had cousins outside of Tampa. This past year I was able to visit them with my sons, for the day. It had been over 25 years since I had seen them. I was there because my younger son loves mermaids. Over two years ago I had contacted a company who makes latex mermaid tails. I had wanted to rent one for my son. I was able to get in touch with the company which makes them and fly down there in Tampa to the guys house. It was an experience in which he would learn how to swim with a tail underwater while being filmed. He had been part of the special olympics swim team for many years, but had never swam underwater while having a tail which weighted over 10 pounds on his feet and ankles. It was over 3 feet wide. He had to swim to 9 feet depths.
It was well worth it, and expensive. At the end of the filming I was able to get a video and a small fin with a fabric skin to wear and bring home.My son was beaming and swam like a merman. He had never done that before and loved it. I have put a link on my website. The company deals with special needs children. The person who runs the company is a scuba diver and also his partner is a special education swimming coach.
I was able to also go to the mermaid show where the people swim underwater with tails and performed. It had been around for over 50 years. It was great to see my cousins too. We also went on a boat ride and saw some manatees. Some blue herons, black snake birds. I had always wanted to see ringling brothers circus museum, so I drove down and saw it. It was a long day.
When I was done I drove across the state to stay with my friend who I have known for 20 years at her house. The weather was great and we all did some walking on the beach, and went to the local towns.